Optum Network

clinician and patient

Value-based care

A philosophy of wellness

Born from the insight that the number of procedures, prescriptions and visits don’t add up to better health,
value-based care focuses on prevention over intervention. A value-based care model pays health care providers not for the number and types of procedures they provide but for the value of the care they provide.

clinician and patient

Deepening the value of your relationships

Value-based care shifts the perspective that doctors are in the business of treating health conditions to one that views doctors as helping their patients to maintain a healthy baseline and strive for greater overall wellness.

Today, more and more patients are covered by risk-based health plans. By the year 2030, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has a goal that 100% of Medicare reimbursements will be tied to value.

Value-based care rewards providers based on improved patient outcomes.

Keeping patients healthy while lowering the total cost of care

Holistic, personalized and collaborative care doesn’t simply mean minimizing procedures and medications. Rather, it’s focused on delivering precisely the care patients need and none of the care they don’t—resulting in an overall lower total cost of care. Unlike traditional fee-for-service models of health care that base the success of a practice on interventional care, value-based care rewards providers for keeping their patients healthy over the long run.

Benefits of value-based care

Better patient outcomes

  • Enhanced access to care
  • Better coordination of care between providers
  • Increased time to develop comprehensive patient care plans
  • Better overall quality of care

Improved practice performance

  • More time to strengthen relationships with patients
  • Increased patient engagement
  • Extended-care capabilities
  • Predictable monthly revenue and increased profitability