Optum Network

Welcome to Optum Network—Utah

Helping clinicians achieve success with value-based care in Utah

Optum has been helping providers excel in value-based care in Utah since 2015. We bring together key levers of success—actionable data and analytics, core capabilities and extensions to your practice—to meet patient needs, improve performance measures and build a stronger community of care.

  • 1,400+ Primary Care Physicians
  • 8,000+ Specialists
  • 3 Community Centers

Extensions to your practice

We bring you vetted programs that reinforce the care you’re already providing.

  • Optum members can complete their Optum Member Screening Visit on the Optum Mobile Clinic and get their gaps in care closed.
  • House calls: in-home annual health assessment
  • Optum Network-Utah has 3 community centers open where anyone 55+ can come and enjoy no-cost activities like chair Zumba, chair yoga, meditation, line dancing, diabetes education classes, nutrition classes and more.
  • Optum Network-Utah members have access to our Community Center clinics to complete their Optum Member Screening visit and get their gaps in care closed; all results are shared with their primary care provider.
  • Optum Network-Utah has a dedicated team of pharmacists and pharmacy techs who identify and resolve barriers to medication adherence using collaborative efforts with members and health care professionals.

View our locations in Utah

11 Available Counties

Your Utah team

headshot of Amanda Keller

Amanda Keller, MBA
Vice President of Quality, Growth, Network and Risk

Shawnda Estrada, Vice President of Provider Network Contracting and Growth

David Cohen, MD, MSQM, FACEP Market President and Chief Physician Executive

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